"A theory that you can't explain to a bartender is probably no damn good."

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Interested in cryptography, political economy, governance, and financial markets.

Currently a scribe at Community Labs focusing on Arweave + AO (never underestimate resource coordination).

Who am I?

Systems are fascinating; I enjoy writing about them and exploring their design.
Senior in high school, based in Melbourne, Australia.

Why web3?

For a variety of reasons, but I've always been into it for the tech. You have trustlessness, self-sovereignty, programmable money & privacy. When the PC was introduced, it was shunned by the world. But Bill Gates had a vision of “a computer on every desk, and in every home, running Microsoft software". Similarly, I believe everyone will have a wallet and will be using consumer crypto apps without the need to know much about crypto.


I love working at startups and wish to keep doing that forever! My long-term vision is to excel at mechanism and market design. The more I learn, more I know that I know nothing. Always learning in perpetuity. In my free time, I like to read, bushwalk, play tetr, birding, and pursue many other things.