Bithiah Koshy

An 07' internet kid.

Interested in modular infra, cryptography, incentives & stables.

Perpetually learning and understanding the design of systems.

Feel free to DM on twitter or telegram.


  • wip: here's my github while you're at it
  • Writing about things:

  • Rollups: Currently scribe at Gelato, appchains made easy with RaaS
  • Stablecoins: writing interesting stuff when I can
  • Research: ad hoc editor @ Shoal Research & 2077 Research (I joined, left, joined again)
  • Arweave & AO: prev. at Community Labs, decentralized compute at scale and crypto VC.
  • Here's a non-exhaustive list of public writings and personal substack.


  • Mozilla: TCP/ETP project, added to about:credits

  • Other than that, I’m a swimmer and prepping for rowing crew selections. I’ve also done a bunch of other things, like trying to become an Olympic foilist before a severe injury forced me to crash out.

    Based in Melbourne, Australia.